

With the belief that Bitcoin is the new monetary system for the people now and of the future, this site sets out to assist in the support and growth of Bitcoin. 

The Network Protocol is here for anyone who wants to learn, buy and use Bitcoin. First by being a digital hub to guide the user through trusted resources of anything Bitcoin related. At the same time connecting with partners and building projects aligned in the philosophy of Bitcoin. With Bitcoin used as the medium of exchange for those projects, and making use of other potential use cases for Bitcoin, so Bitcoin can become more common in our day to day use. Whether we are using Bitcoin as a vehicle for investing, trading, mining, business, HOLD, etc. The Network Protocol is a trusted place for relevant and effective Bitcoin practices and information for anyone involved in business or as an individual user. Attaining the knowledge necessary through The Network Protocol to experience the ease of Bitcoin's use, unlocking the full potential of the first truly decentralized limited supply peer-to-peer electronic cash system, Bitcoin. 
As the Bitcoin network grows everyone involved in the Bitcoin network benefits from being a part of the network and acting in an honest and integral way towards the Bitcoin network. As shown by the network protocol of Bitcoin's open sourced code, how the Bitcoin consensus mechanism works, proof-of-work, to protect the integrity of Bitcoin. Participants are rewarded for acting in a positive manner towards the Bitcoin network, as written in Bitcoin's code, nothing else is needed. The Network Protocol represents that philosophy of honesty, trust and integrity toward the Bitcoin network in our foundation, working towards the growth of the Bitcoin network, for the benefit of the Bitcoin network.
Bitcoin is an evolving technology and culture, there has been nothing like it before, and where Bitcoin will take us is still unknown. With an optimistic utopian outlook, The Network Protocol will adapt accordingly as Bitcoin culture matures, to take back control of our finances and see what a new decentralized limited supply monetary system will bring. The Bitcoin network is anything related or involved with Bitcoin, as a peer-to-peer digital cash system. To abide by the code of Bitcoin is The Network Protocol. 


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